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Saturday, November 29, 2008 . 5:38 PM

whatever has happened for a loooooooooong period of time
i shant say..
this blog is officially closed till mid december 2008
i'll be in touch with close friends of mine..

i just wanna say something..(although i was like sooooo late)
thanks ammie for celebrating my bdae with me that day
it really meant alot to me..hope u are doing well

well thats all i gotta say for now..cuz its no longer the same KD
that many would have known from the past
all these have changed..so much it scares myself..

to all the ppl that i know and reads this posts..
please take good care of yourselves..and that its not easy
to come accross someone that you are with now..
so please treasure it and dont let the chance slip
and live to regret..


Wonderkid [K`D]

Monday, November 17, 2008 . 1:36 AM

well haven blogged for quite some time
even if its just a few days
feels like soooooo long..

oh well..still the same me..
f*cked up doing wadever i do
i even lost to a person who goes "LELONG LELONG OFFER OFFER"
and calls himself an emcee..
haiiz..bad bad bad for my own reputation

would be heading out with the gang of PPFR
and i make sure i'll make it this time round
after 3 times asking them to organize and i did not make it
sorry one and all

i think thats bout all i have to say..
nth much to say as well..since much wont change anything

Wonderkid [K`D]

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 . 4:35 AM

short post at this funny hour
well..she said she wont msg me everyday anymore
and i thought she was joking..
looks like she means it this time round

well..this is my 4th day without seeing her msg
wondering how is she doing..
every night..bout this time den slp
den next day go camp like a retarded walking zombie
no im not complaining..cuz no one forced me to wait..
but oh well..
busy weekend coming out..PPFR outing plus friday whole day
got 3 shows in total to run..i think i'll be really shagged out
sunday got 2 shows..onli next week im free
cuz its birthday week..so i refuse to take any shows other den sunday
den its back to PC Show on 27-30th november for NEC
guess there'll be loads and loads of pics to upload
so yea..oh well..tired already..gotta go and slp

p.s to ammie: its not easy to look for some one that is as good as her
i mean no one can come close to the bond we had..
and u urself..better take care of urself and ur problems..

Wonderkid [K`D]

Monday, November 10, 2008 . 11:07 PM

nth much to blog about today..
everything is the same..
so i would like to intro some songs
that are in my "must play" list on my playlist

The Wonder Girls - Nobody (Subtitled From Korean)

Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You

there is this paragraph in the lyrics of Fall For You that goes:

Or I Wont Live To See Another Day
I Swear Its True
Because A Girl Like You Is Impossible To Find
Impossible To Find

and from the lyrics of Nobody that goes:
How Can I Be Happy Without You
I Want Nobody Nobody But You
I Want Nobody Nobody But You
I Don't Want Anybody Else
If Its Not You, I Don't Want It

Hope all of you would like these songs too.(^_^)
counting down... ...

Wonderkid [K`D]

Friday, November 7, 2008 . 11:05 PM

depressed is the word i will use to describe my feeling
sadness fills up my life like water fills up a never full ocean
despair is the effort im putting in to get everything back on track
but nothing works out in anyway..

Real loss only occurs when you lose something
that you love more than yourself
so do treasure everyone around you
and not cry over spilled milk when its gone

how i wish i could turn back time
to the days of quarrels and fights
to the days where not even a single day was peaceful
at least i know..we cared for each other

i'll wait..and wait..and wait..
it may be a test for me from up above
to where only people believed exists
sounds corny..but its till the end of time..
or till the day i part this somewhat dreadful world

yea..today's post is nth but how i feel..
its really heartbreaking..cuz till now..whenever i think back
it just seems like its yesterday and the feeling is very vivid
true yet false..hence the birth of "to be or not to be, that is the qn"

well..i think my wish will not happen
since so many ppl hate me from all walks of lives..
so wad if my "side line" is successful?
so wad if im earning money more than the rest?
so wad? so wad?

looks like my life is sinking back
to where it was a couple of months
where life was as mono-life and not happening
i'd rather live a life that is no life..
and get all the happiness i get in life..

Wonderkid [K`D]

Thursday, November 6, 2008 . 11:56 PM

well i think i forgot to add something on my last post
it must have been wad i did in my previous life..
accumulated to know a friend like ammie..

ammie..u are right..its all just for entertainment
and its not worth to be throwing so much money into this crap
so yea...u have my word that i'll control myself..
good for my wallet too..geez..

anyway today went to westlite dorm to do a show for singtel..
and i was having gastric and vomitting..but
there wasnt anything else left to eat but the Burmese food
well before i ate it i took a snapshot for a reason

well yea its a really huge portion for 1 person..
and when the person told me how much it was..
i went like "HUH"!!!
cuz it was only $2 !!! i mean..for such a huge portion
with soup and veggie and mutton and potatoes and stuff
its only $2 !!! gosh.. *faints* and its DELICIOUS !! lol~

wish is a hope or desire for something
well the desire and hope is there for me..
all i hope its granted..*prays*


Wonderkid [K`D]

Wednesday, November 5, 2008 . 11:58 PM

well haven blogged for quite a few days..
cuz i haven been feeling too good these few days..
oh well..nth much happened but
all i gotta say is

im really glad that i found a friend like ammie
cuz she has been telling me stuff that i know..
but it really means alot to me..least i know..
that there are some ppl who actually care for me..
so yea..thanks ammie for ur advice
i really really appreciate for wadever u have told me

oh well..tired and sick-ed
gtg already..ciauz

Wonderkid [K`D]